Simple Energy Delivered 0 Electric Scooters last Month

We are set to dawn this year, Electric Mobility has witnessed a slew of ups and downs but one thing has remained constant i.e., Simple Energy and its tales of lies.

It makes me wonder whether this company was built on the sole motive of dupping the customers or what. These are not baseless claims as this month’s sales of Simple Energy dipped to Zero crashing down from the previous figures of 13 vehicles. This shows that the company had plunged into a vortex of confusion, leaving pre-booking customers and the general public in the dark.

The Sales Plunge

In the midst of this turmoil, the sales figures for the Zero scooter have taken a nosedive. What was once a beacon of hope for the company has now turned into a symbol of its struggle. It’s a grim reflection of the company’s mismanagement and its inability to capitalize on the initial excitement surrounding its product.

Sales Figures from Start to Now

Month’s Units Deliver 
June 10
July 14
August 13
September 0

Recent Updates by Suhas Rajkumar 

Simple Energy after ghosting its customers on different social media and on customer helpline numbers emerged out of the blue to talk about its apparent success in the EV arena. Defending their delayed deliveries, Suhas said that when they launched the product, they didn’t know that the company would receive such an overwhelming response and they initially thought the booking wouldn’t even make it to 5,000 but they received a whopping 1 Lakh+ deliveries and now they don’t have the capacity to deliver it to thousand out there.

Well, one thing is for sure, Suhas will make a better politician than a Founder.

Promises by Simple Energy Founder Suhas Rajkumar

According to the company, their eagerly anticipated Dot. One electric scooter is set to hit production in just a couple of weeks. While this may sound like an exciting development, the devil is in the details, with the scooter boasting a “low range” and a “low price.” Simple Energy doesn’t stop there, though. They’re also hinting at another “affordable” electric scooter hitting the market within a year, but we’ve heard that one before, haven’t we?

But wait, there’s more. Simple Energy is apparently on a mission to raise a staggering $100 million within a year. While ambitious fundraising goals aren’t unheard of, it’s worth questioning whether they can pull it off.

And if that weren’t enough, the company claims they’ll be installing a whopping 2000 charging stations in just 15 months. It’s an admirable goal, but let’s hope they don’t charge ahead without considering the logistics and practicality of such a feat.

Lastly, Simple Energy teases us with a mid-price segment concept car set to debut by 2025.

As of now, we don’t know how much of it is true. So yes, let’s just pretend it’s another wordplay by the Founder.

Repeated Delays and Misguided Customers

The story begins with a trail of delayed delivery promises, shrouded in mystery. Simple Energy once looked at as a promising player in the electric scooter arena found itself in hot water due to its inability to meet its commitments. The reasons behind these delays remain elusive, leaving customers perplexed and perturbed.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this ordeal is Simple Energy’s refusal to engage with its customer base. The company’s lack of responsiveness to consumer inquiries is deafening. You’ll be shocked to know that this silence is being replaced by miscreants promising fake deliveries and asking for payment in the company’s name. This unethical practice tarnishes not only the reputation of the legitimate company but also the electric mobility industry as a whole.

Funding Infusion and Stalled Progress

simpleenergy-one-standard (2)


Despite securing a substantial 165 crore in a recent funding round, Simple Energy has failed to capitalize on the much-needed financial injection. The question that looms large is, where is this money being invested, and why is it not translating into tangible results? After securing such a big amount, the company has delivered just 37 scooters out of 1Lakh+ bookings from the past. Consumers and investors alike are left wondering if the funds are being utilized effectively.

A Label of ‘Shell Company’

The anger among consumers has reached a boiling point. Many now label Simple Energy as a shell company, an entity that lacks not just in words but in actions as well. This moniker is a stark reminder of the company’s failure to uphold its promises and its inability to meet the expectations of a discerning market.

Sum Up

Time will tell if Simple Energy can truly spark a revolution in the electric vehicle industry or if this is just another case of too-good-to-be-true pledges. Simple Energy’s handling of the Zero scooter deliveries and subsequent delays has left much to be desired.

This critical analysis sheds light on the company’s missteps and their ramifications for both consumers and the electric mobility sector.

It’s high time that Simple Energy addresses these issues, regains the trust of its consumers, and fulfills its promises. Only then can it hope to rise from the shadows and reclaim its position as a serious contender to the leading brands in the EV realm.

Read More:- Simple Energy breaks Delivery Promise, Delivered just 24 Scooter out of 1 Lakh+ Bookings

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