Musk Says FSD V12 Coming In ‘About Two Weeks.’ Here’s What We Expect

Tesla’s long-awaited Full Self-Driving v12 release – billed as the most advanced FSD variant to date – is only two weeks away, if we’re to believe Elon Musk’s latest promise.

The EV maker’s chief executive said earlier today that Tesla customers will be able to sample FSD’s version 12 in about two weeks. Musk was asked on X by Tesla enthusiast @WholeMarsBlog when customers will first be able to try out FSD 12, and his reply was “about 2 weeks.”

While Musk’s “two weeks” timeline predictions have proven hardly accurate so far – some people translate that as “at some point in the future” – this time he may be onto something because the Cybertruck’s delivery event at Gigafactory Texas will take place about two weeks from now on November 30.


Will Tesla’s electric pickup come equipped with FSD Beta 12 from the get-go? That remains to be seen, but it would be a huge deal if it does.

Musk said in June that version 12 would no longer be beta, basically suggesting that FSD will achieve full autonomy when the v12 release drops. Ever since its launch in late 2020, the FSD feature has been in Beta mode, requiring full supervision from drivers as it’s still being tested and developed.

Tesla’s CEO has said several times in the past that the company is very close to achieving full self-driving capability, yet that is yet to happen. “I have been wrong about this prediction in the past, but I feel we are closer to it than we ever have been,” Musk said in July at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, China.

In August, Musk livestreamed a 45-minute drive of a Tesla Model S using the FSD v12 release, which he said works like a human brain, using neural nets and eyes (cameras), as well as relying on artificial intelligence across the board. He said in May that FSD v12 is “reserved for when FSD is end-to-end AI, from images in to steering, brakes & acceleration out.”


He noted that the software has no line of code instructing the vehicle to stop at a stop sign, slow down for speed bumps, or give clearance to cyclists – as opposed to FSD Beta v11, which has over 300,000 lines of C++. Instead, the FSD v12 is said to mimic human drivers by using videos from millions of Teslas from around the world as training material.

During the demonstration, the vehicle seemed to operate safely and smoothly for the most of the drive. However, Musk had to take over around the 19-minute mark to stop the car from running a red light. That was the most serious traffic violation in the entire livestream.

Musk made some questionable decisions while in the driver’s seat, such as holding the smartphone that filmed the entire trip in his hand and interacting with Twitter users – which goes against Tesla‘s recommendation for drivers to keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times.

That’s also an illegal thing to do in California, but police spared Musk of a ticket as the Palo Alto Police Department said that officers didn’t witness the violation of the state’s hands-free law themselves.

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