In a move aimed at curbing complaints of arbitrary fare demands by auto-rickshaw drivers in the national capital, the Delhi transport department has announced the integration of trip meters with GPS technology. As per a ToI report, this development allows the government to monitor the precise location of auto-rickshaws in real time through the transport department’s website, while also maintaining a record of daily trip counts. Violations will result in fines imposed by the authorities.A senior official from the transport department told ToI that the synchronization of trip meters with GPS enables continuous tracking of auto-rickshaw movement and trip status. The technology, developed by DIMTS (Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System), had been available previously but saw limited implementation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
“DIMTS had developed the technology, but before it could be comprehensively implemented, the Covid outbreak happened and many autorickshaw drivers stopped using it,” the official told ToI. Additionally, refusal by auto-rickshaw drivers to utilize the meter will now lead to penalties. The dashboard’s functionalities encompass real-time tracking, trip analysis, and fare calculation, all facilitated through an internet-enabled SIM card.
Currently, approximately 8,500 out of nearly 1 lakh auto-rickshaws in Delhi are equipped with active internet cards utilizing GPS. As part of vehicle fitness assessments, authorities intend to enforce mandatory checks to verify the linkage of auto-rickshaw meters with GPS.
Despite the Delhi government’s revision of auto-rickshaw fares six months ago, numerous drivers continue to decline meter usage or cite recalibration issues. While meter refusal was a concern before, the problem has escalated in recent years. A senior transport department official noted that drivers’ primary grievance used to revolve around stagnant meter rates while CNG costs increased. However, the fare structure was modified in January, raising the minimum rate from INR 25 to INR 30, and per-kilometer rates from INR 9.5 to INR 11.