How to use AI to help you get a better job instead of it stealing one

The job search landscape has transformed dramatically in just a few years. Gone are the days when applying for jobs was a part-time endeavor. Nowadays, it’s practically a full-time job, especially if you’re out of work and have to document your efforts to claim unemployment benefits. The experience can be overwhelming, but fortunately, technology—particularly artificial…

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Fox News AI Newsletter: Meta admits to using Facebook and Instagram posts to train its new AI bot

close Video Lawmakers, tech experts sound alarm over artificial intelligence’s potential dangers Kara Frederick, tech director at the Heritage Foundation, discusses the need for regulations on artificial intelligence as lawmakers and tech titans discuss the potential risks. Welcome to Fox News’ Artificial Intelligence newsletter with the latest AI technology advancements. Subscribe now to get the Fox…

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Chemistry Nobel Prize Revealed in Media Hours Early

Observers following Wednesday’s announcement of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry were left dumbfounded — and not just by quantum dots, the subject of the laureates’ research. What stumped them was how at least two Swedish news outlets had managed to report the names and achievements of the laureates hours before the official announcement. The…

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Kaiser Permanente Health Care Workers Go on Strike

More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente health care workers began a three-day strike Wednesday morning, after they failed to reach a new contract deal. The walkout started with employees in Virginia and the District of Columbia, where they set up picket lines outside Kaiser’s facilities. A majority of Kaiser’s workers are in California, where many of…

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