Schools Are Not Ready for Climate Change

When Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle in 2018, Calhoun County schools were ravaged. Winds of 160 miles per hour destroyed an elementary school and ripped high-school bleachers from the ground. “It was complete devastation,” said Darryl Taylor Jr., superintendent of the district. “It was like a nuclear bomb had gone off.” The Calhoun schools…

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Will a VPN prevent apps from tracking me?

If you’re like me, you probably use your smartphone for many of life’s essentials including to convert units of measurement. Whether you need to convert miles to kilometers, pounds to kilograms, or Celsius to Fahrenheit, there’s an app for that.  But have you ever wondered what these apps do with your data? Do they track…

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The Big Nobel Prize Winners Were Short and Fast

“There’s plenty of space at the bottom.” So proclaimed the physicist Richard Feynman in 1959, heralding the new field of nanophysics, the study of the very, very small. Feynman’s dictum kept running through my head last week after the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists who figured out how to produce bursts…

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