Vote YES on Prop 30!

Vote YES on Prop 30! A vote for Proposition 30 is a vote for clean air in California. If passed, Prop. 30 will impose a small 1.75% personal income tax increase on only the wealthiest Californians (those making more than $2 million per year). This initiative will generate between $3.5 billion to $5 billion annually…

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Stellantis and Saft reveal IBIS

Stellantis and Saft revealed IBIS – a smarter and more efficient intelligent battery-integrated system. It is a joint corporate and academic research project in France focused on developing a more efficient and less expensive energy storage system. IBIS integrates the electric charger and inverter functions into the lithium-ion battery modules replacing them with electronic conversion…

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Canoo Expands Partnership with DoD Defense Innovation Unit to Further Develop New High-Power Battery Pack

Californian high-tech advanced mobility company Canoo announced that the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) significantly expanded the scope of its previously announced partnership. The company says it has leveraged it advanced commercial battery and integration expertise to deliver to the Department of Defense partners a technologically advanced battery pack that can be…

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