Burglars sometimes choose good-looking cars like Teslas to steal things from inside homes. And, I’ve been wondering if it’s even possible to steal a Tesla or not.
Well, a Tesla car can be stolen using old-fashioned tricks like using a relay attack device or breaking the glass and door, but this doesn’t happen very often. Most of the time, when people report their stolen Tesla cars to the police, they end up getting them back.
To help you understand this better, I’ll explain whether it’s easy to steal a Tesla and what you should do if your car is stolen. Let’s get started!

Tesla Can Be Stolen Even If It’s Rare!
In recent years, some folks who own cars have had problems with thieves taking their cars when they’re away for a month or more. But, most of the stolen Teslas are found again as users can track the car on the Tesla App.
Thieves can steal your car if you turn off Sentry Mode. Sentry Mode sends a notification right away if it detects a person near your car. If this happens, you can see the person’s face on the Live Camera from all directions in Sentry Mode.

Unlike most cars, Tesla cars don’t have a keyhole where you put in a key to unlock them. So, thieves can easily break the glass or door to get in.
And surprisingly, Tesla can be stolen without a key by thieves! They do this by tricking the RFID system with a big traditional keyless relay attack to take control of the car.
But don’t worry too much about this happening as Tesla cars are hard to steal due to security level. Thieves mostly avoid stealing Teslas because they’re very high-tech and have great security features.
To make it simple, if you turn on the PIN to Drive feature, the car won’t let anyone drive it unless they enter a special code or scan a key card. Plus, Sentry Mode will send alerts to your Tesla App if it sees any suspicious activity near your car.
Can a Tesla Be Tracked If Stolen – What to Do?
Yep! You’ll need to report a missing car the moment you get the notification in your mobile app about theft activity. Be sure to call the police and insurance company to get back your car and lessen the loss as much as possible. For that, you should do the following steps:
- Find the location of your car via the Tesla App (under Navigation) and report it to the police. And, if your phone isn’t nearby, use your family member’s or friend’s phone and download the Tesla App, enter your account, and then track it quickly.
- If you have control of your car via the Tesla App, turn on the Valet Mode or Speed Limit mode so that the thief can’t go away far from the spot.
- Ensure to remove your payment permission and details from the Tesla App. That way the thieves can’t charge the car which will automatically use your account payment option.
If you can’t find your car, be sure to delete your Tesla Account’s data from your stolen car by requesting Tesla.
Wrapping Up
Tesla can be stolen with or without a key (Tesla App, Key Fob, or Key Card) if the burglar intends to do so. So, it’s always best to be careful when leaving your car in an empty home for a month or so.
Ensure to turn on the Sentry Mode, PIN to Drive mode, and always check the cameras using the mobile app. And if needed, add some gadgets that can keep burglars away. Hope this informative guide helps you!
If your car’s navigation not working, be sure to know the possible causes behind this and their easy fixes by checking the guide. Enjoy!